We started the morning by getting down to fitting a socket for our heater (arriving tomorrow). This involved installing a socket to spur off a plug and then feeding a cable a couple of metres down the wall.

The first task was to get the socket in. This job sucked. It involved using a drill and a chisel to try remove enough of the breeze block to fit our little 25mm socket.

After an hour of sparks, blue language and incessent hammering the hole had finally taken shape. I bashed out one of the spacers and went to find a bushing to protect the cable. Disaster - We had none. This meant that day #2 was going to require another trip to B&Q.

Keen to make some more progress with the morning I set about cutting a ton of holes in the plasterboard so we could feed the cable.


We set about making a shopping list for B&Q and decided we’d use this opportunity to stock up on paint. Fortunately for us this trip co-insided with lunchtime and next door to B&Q is a nandos, which I had a voucher for 1 free chicken. We were going to need our energy to move this paint.


1 chicken later we set about stocking up on paint. We purchased some white and our bedroom colour of Mint Macaroon. Next hurdle was to get 17.5 litres of paint home using public transport.


We got home and finished off installing the spur for the heater. Once that was finished it dawned on us that it was now the middle of the evening and the day had flown by.

We decided to postpone painting the ceiling base coat until tomorrow as we feared that we’d not only keep the neighbour above awake with the sounds of our rollers below their bed, but also maybe cause some horrific nightmares from the rather creepy sounds.

Instead we got to work filling our holes with, first newspaper and then plaster. They should be ready for a sand down tomorrow.


We’re up early tomorrow to try get Foo Fighters tickets, and of course to get an early start to the DIY. Hopefully tomorrow will not involve a trip to B&Q.

Plan for tomorrow is:

  • Get a base coat on the ceiling
  • Start operation sanding
  • Begin counter operation to operation sanding - operation filling